47 yr male with ? CKD ( Diabetic Nephropathy) , ? Heart Failure

47 year old male ,auto driver by occupation , came to the OPD with the chief complaint of
Pedal edema , Facial puffiness since 6 days
Shortness of breath since 6days , Increased since past 3 days
Decreased urine output since 3 days

History of Presenting illness - 
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 8 years ago
8 years ago - During a regular checkup he was found to be Hypertensive
6 years ago -  He had complaints of generalized weakness and weight loss 
He was diagnosed to be diabetic
5 years ago - He was diagnosed with Acute pancreatitis
6 days back - Pt developed pedal edema, progressed gradually to knees along with Facial puffiness
Decreased urine output since 6d 
Shortness of breath since 6d 
Grade II-III progressed to Grade IV since 3 days along with orthopnea and PND 
Decreased appetite

No c/o chest pain, palpitations, giddiness ,fever, cold, cough, burning micturition

Known case of Hypertension since 8years on Tab Olmesartan 20mg OD
Diabetes mellitus since 6 yrs on Tab Glimy M2 OD
H/O Acute Pancreatitis 5 yrs ago

Not K/C/O TB, Epilepsy, Asthma, CAD.

Personal history
Appetite- Decreased
Bowel movement- Regular
Alcoholic stopped 5 yrs ago
Smoking stopped 5 yrs ago

On examination
Pt is C/c/c
No Pallor , Icterus ,Cyanosis, Clubbing,Lymphadenopathy
Edema of feet + 

Spo2:97% at RA
Temp - Afebrile
Grbs - 166 mg/dl

Systemic examination

CVS - S1,S2 +
RS - BAE + B/L ISA, IAA crepts +

Serology - Negative
RBS - 105mg/dl

Provisional Diagnosis - ? Heart Failure
? CKD ( Diabetic Nephropathy) 


Fluid restriction (<1l/day)
Salt restriction (<2g/day)
Inj· LASIX 40 mg IV TID, if Sbp > 100 mmhg.
Inj. Pantop 40 mg IV/BD.
Inj. Actrapid + NPH s/c acc to GRBS
Tab. CARDACE 2.5mg - PO/BD
Tab. CARVEDIOL 3.125mg PO/OD.
Tab. ECOSPIRIN - 75mg PO/OD .
Tab. ATORVAS -10 mg HS.
O2 Inhalation SOS.
BP/PR charting 2nd hourly.
GRBS charting 6th hourly
Strict I/O charting.
Daily weight monitoring.



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